photographing a fellow photographer whose work you greatly respect is always nerve-wracking. but when hannah asked me to take her family's photos in her home i was ecstatic. they have the cutest little family in the cutest little house. i had an amazing time following them around their house for a few hours. i told them what to do in a few shots, but most are just a candid look at their everyday. but you wanna know a secret? what makes these photos special is not their cute house and their nice clothes and their general attractiveness. i mean, that helps. but what speaks to me the most, and what i hope is conveyed in the images, is so much more than all of that stuff. it is the way a mother looks at her son. the way her son looks at the tv (ha!). the bodies in the home in which they live. all of the little moments and quirks that make up their lives. the way sweet little maddox hands his momma his sippy cup. how he stands around in his diaper. the way his dad smiles at his mom. THAT is what gets me excited to shoot. THAT is what i care about. and THAT is what i am excited to share with you today. i hope you enjoy.